Monday 27 May 2024

Treats on Tuesday at Magenta - Nuance Powders and Bleaching

Hi everyone, I'm over at Magenta with this a card which has been coloured with Nuance powders and  zig water colour pens. I hope you head over and check out how I made this card.

Stamps used


Good Friends

Agrias Amodon Butterfly

Nuance Powders
Red, Orange, Purple

Card Recipe
Stamps: Magenta
Paper: 110LbWhite, Watercolour
Ink: Versafine Clair Nocturn
Accessories: Nuance Watercolours, Zigs, Posca Glitter Pens
Techniques: Watercolouring


aussie aNNie said...

Wow Christine this is stunning and love your wonderful and bright colours, perfect and cleverly designed as always x

Viv said...

Simply beautiful Christine. x

Susan said...

Gorgeous rich colours, Christine! Love the vibrancy!

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful colourful card and flowers,love the background.
Carol x

Leslie Miller said...

Your card is simply gorgeous, Christine! A beautiful floral stamp, and I'm moved by the sentiment you used in the background. The colors are such a delicious blend!

HilaryJane said...

Such wonderful colours. Whats not to like xx

Bonnie said...

WOW! This is so pretty, Christine! Love the rich colors!

Lisa Elton said...

This is beautiful , Christine!

Trina P. said...

Beautiful! So striking and vibrant! Great use of the powders and bleach technique.

Loll said...

Gorgeous watercolouring, Christine. LOVE the beautiful colours of your background. Your bright yellow flowers just pop off it! xx

BożenA said...

Fantastic color flow. I love how they transform and create a glowing halo around these beautiful flowers. Great selection of colors.